sponge cake 1. vanilla sponge cake, 2. chocolate sponge cake, 3. raspberry strawberry cake

sponge cake in my college bakery lesson, we have made three different types of sponge cake each cake has its own different flavor and texture. 1. vanilla sponge cake vanilla sponge cake is a basic and easiest recipe to make the ingredients to make a vanilla sponge cake are as follows 1. 225g Self-rising flour 2. 225g Butter, at room temperature 3. 225g Caster sugar 4. 5 ml Vanilla essence 5. 4 Eggs 6. 5 gm Baking powder steps first, we need to separate the whites from the eggs, so take a bowl and place egg yolk and egg white separately after removing the white we need to beat the egg white to form a thick creamy mixture. after beating the egg white add 1/2 cup of powder sugar gradually and mixed it well for 10 minutes. now, add the egg yolk and mixed it well. after that; take a Stirner to add 1 cup ...